I would sooner club a baby seal than have to listen to the platform of one more extremist environmentalist cult and or PETA. You can pick them out in a crowd, the self righteous types dressed in uncomfortable looking clothing made solely out of recycled materials. They relentlessly talk about how not eating meat makes them better individuals in society, and personal hygiene... it takes the backseat to saving the life of a lab rat. Yes, these are the hollow minded do gooders of our generation, and they are annoying as fuck.
Don't get me wrong, I am all for free range farms, environmentally friendly agricultural practices, and yes, even recycling. What grinds my gears about these animal loving freaks are the scare tactics, and fanaticism that these self proclaimed animal loving, demi-god global welfare martyrs utilize to get their message across. On more than one occasion I have been berated by these fuckers, once by a man at St. George subway station whose forearms were literally covered in tattoos of various vegetables. No, I'm not kidding. Sure I'll throw out a half drunk plastic water bottle in the garbage now and then if I can avoid carrying it around for 5 hours until I reach the next recycling bin.... but sue me. I am not preaching ignorance for global issues and animal rights abuses, but these assholes make it their personal duty to make me feel like I'm some sort of neo-Nazi for recycling less than I should.
At first I thought that PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) was a seemingly docile organization; it wasn't until after I had innocently signed up for their mailing list that I realized that this organization was fucked beyond all measure. Daily emails riddled with absolutely ludicrous propaganda flooded my inbox. Disgusting videos and images of cows being brutally murdered, upside-down, gushing blood, hens having their beaks snapped off and I kid you not, a picture of a crucified chicken (the similarities that can be drawn between a dead chicken and the savior of humanity are endless). Not to mention the numerous benefits of "going veg", a recipe for vegan brownies, and ofcourse creative methods to convert me from my bastard meat eating ways.
If you think pro-lifers are extreme, then PETA takes it to a whole new level of wacko. How do they fulfill their noble quest to protect the lives of innocent and fuzzy creatures that inhabit our earth? They harass, annoy and even kill PEOPLE! Does this make sense or am I the only one who thinks this is seriously messed up?! In some delucded way these animal rights terrorists have decided that the lives of the human beings working inside these labs on research that could potentially save millions of HUMAN lives should take a backseat to the salvation of a disease infested lab rat.
Some advice to you crazy tree huggers and animal rights activists who are probably recycling this newspaper as we speak… maybe instead of terrorizing the general population with disgusting images of mutilated poultry and completely ludicrous propaganda (apparently eating meat can give you swine flu?) try talking to the human beings that inhabit the civilized world in a HUMANE and civil manner. Discourse anyone?
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