Monday, December 21, 2009

Hell is Other People

You've heard the old adage, "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." Whoever came up with this load of crap was either ridiculously euphoric or completely deluded. For everyone, words hurt. Over the years SMC has turned into a boys (and girls) club, riddled with malicious gossip. Think about it. How many times in your university career have you been hanging out in Brennan hall and heard something said about someone else whom you don't know and have never met, yet you feel compelled to put your two sense in!?! How many times has your lunchtime gossip consisted of discussing the exploits of someone else, be it a friend or complete stranger? To be totally qualified to speak on the pervasive fucked-up-ness of gossip at SMC, it helps to have been a contributor; we are all guilty of it. At one point or another we have all witnessed or participated in backstabbing, lying, manipulating, and sheer cruelty all for the sake of entertainment and maintaining popularity on campus.

'Let he who is without sin cast the first stone'. Sound familiar? Apparently, the mature, respectable, sophisticaed and morally sound students who have the benefit of receiving 'higher education' at a Catholic institution like St. Michaels College have forgotten one of the most fundamental elements of our faith. For those of you who feel you have the right to attack others and unequivocally whore your opinion out to anyone who will listen I have but one quesiton, who do you think you are? Really, I'd like to know. Willfully destroying the reputation and character of other people our of sheer ignorance in order to make yourselves feel better is not only misguided, it's pure evil. You thought that girls dress was too short at Toga? Fine, you have a right to your personal opinion. You disapprove of someone else's relationship? Again, you are enttled to your own private opinion. But to those of you (and you know who you are) who feel the intense need to make your opinion publically known: Get off your undeservedly high horse and stop sling shotting your skewed Christly rhetoric down the throats of anyone who will listen, ESPECIALLY if you are going to turn around and cheat on your girlfriend in a club, make a sex tape or put on an act that is so fake it's sickening as a lame attempt to trick first year girls into sleeping with you. You're not a martyr, so don't pretend to be one. If you arent going to follow your own rules, you shouldnt impose them on others. I relish this, due to the fact that it is so beyond ironic that it becomes funny.

In my wise old age I have come to the conclusion that, most often, the people who act like they're such great "Christians', putting their morality and piety on display, usually have the most skeletons in their closets. Congratulations, you've merited enough rope to hang yourselves. If you sincerely take pleasure in mentally torturing other people, exploiting their faults and flaws for your own sick masochistic pleasure, you are the embodiment of all that is wrong in this world. I am a firm believer in karma, and I assure you that what goes around will most certainly come back around. Get off your soapbox, keep your opinions to yourselv and just be a decent human being. I leave you with the words of Jean-Paul Sartre as food for thought: "So this is hell. I'd never have believed it. You remember all we were told about the torture-chambers, the fire and brimstone, the "burning marl." Old wives' tales! There's no need for red-hot pokers. Hell is other people!"

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