Monday, December 21, 2009

Humanity at its Finest

Okay okay okay, so I'm a bit of a negative Nanc'. It's midterm season and to alleviate my apparent 'Oscar the Grouch' syndrome I thought I would indulge my readers with a segment about the types of people who I absolutely love rebelling against things I absolutely hate. I proceed in no particular order;

People who give up their seat on the subway to pregnant women/ old people.

    It never fails to amaze me when a pregnant woman gets on the train and NO ONE offers to give up their seat (everyone suddenly becomes overtly engaged in their tantalizing edition of the Metro). I have no idea what happened to this convention or chivalry for that matter. I don't know if these people were raised in a barn or have no concept of what it means to be a decent human being, but I do know that when someone who is preggers, injured or elderly gets on the train the rest of us able bodied folk need to suck it up and offer up our seat. To those of you who willingly endure 45 minutes of discomfort and genuinely prove yourself to be a good human being, I salute you!

People with vices.

    If you have a vice, be it a love affair with nicotine, multiple facial piercings, the ability to blatantly speak your mind or a sleeve of eclectically random tattoos, you are pretty fucking fabulous. You my friends stick up a big middle finger to the societal norms of our time and that scores you major brownie points with me. You're creative, edgy and most importantly you don't waste your time putting on the facade of a Stepford wife. I'm not talking about anarchists who torch cop cars or burn crosses for fun, I'm talking about those people who embody what it means to be "avante-guard", so comfortable in their own skin that they don't give a fuck about the sneers they get from the fake blonde bulimic girls sporting UGG boots or those who ascribe to the cult of Abercrombie douche. If you're a real person who is confident enough with yourself not to think twice about what anyone else thinks of your immoral appearance, scandalous reputation, character flaws or secret addiction to meth, you're pretty flippin' cool.

People who are liberal minded     

Maybe I'm just an idealist, maybe I'm too liberal, but I want to cut anyone who spews misogynistic, homophobic or racist tripe just so they can feel better about themselves. Seriously, these people need to go back to the 17th century. I'm not really sure what irks me so much about intolerant attitudes, oh wait, yes I do; it's that everyone who thinks discrimination is justified is completely bigoted and ignorant beyond all measure. Anyone who ascribes to my personal philosophy of "live and let live", actively defends homosexuality, gender issues and racial equality should be canonized for sainthood. You should pride yourself on your unorthodox, humanitarian and rational view of the world and hold onto it like grim death.

People who are unique.

    Basically if you have any degree of uniqueness to how you dress, I am in love with you. If you reject paying $45.00 for a t-shirt advertised with a borderline pornographic marketing campaign you are fabulous. Showing individuality and expression in how you dress is way sexier than trying to impress the opposite sex; looking skinny and dressing slutty is way overrated, so is parading around campus with your lunch in a Burberry shopping bag. This also includes guys who's typical outfit involves (but is not limited to) popped collars, flip-flops, the ever popular puka-shell necklace, idiotic t-shirts that say "Any Hole is a Goal" and is usually accompanied by sentences like, "Did you get the kill?" (in reference to having sex with a girl) and "I'm so jacked" (wishful thinking in reference to their scrawny anatomy). Congratulations on reaching a whole new level of douche. If you refuse to whore yourself out for brand name clothing and compromise your morals, personality, conscience and the general sanity of everyone around you in order to be "cool", you are awesome in my books.

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